Authentication — Cookie v.s. JWT

3 min readAug 7, 2021


In this article, I will explain why we need authentication and compare the difference between session-based authentication v.s. token-based authentication.

How Authentication works

To start with, let’s first think about how authentication works.

  1. user login
  2. username/password pass on to the server
  3. server verified the information and grant the permission by sending back the authentication token
  4. once we receive the authentication token, we will use it in every of our user request

HTTP stateless

You might be wondering why we need to show our authentication token in every client request. This is because HTTP is stateless, which means HTTP will not remember the state of every request which means every request is unique and servers are not able to tell which client is sending the request.

To overcome this, we use one of the below technology to save the state:

  • cookie
  • web storage(local storage, session storage)
  • external file

Session-based authentication: Cookies

For session-based authentication, we use cookies as an authentication token.

Server will create a session once user logs in and respond with a Set-Cookie in the header with session-id. Every following request then carries Cookie:session-id and uses it as a token to let server know who is sending the request. Once server receives the request, it can get the user detail by checking session-id. The session will be destroyed once user logs out.

In our browser, we save it in web storage after we received cookie detail. If you open dev tools in your chrome browser, you should be able to find your cookie detail as Application -> Storage -> cookie

Token-based authentication: JWT

For token-based authentication, we use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) as an authentication token.

After user logs in, server will create a JWT token and send it back to client. Every following request will have JWT in the header for server to identify who is sending the request. When user logs out, we will delete JWT from the client side(local storage)

In our browser, we save normally save it in Local Storage

JSON Web Tokens Structure

  1. Header
  2. Payload
  3. Signature

You can use this tool to decode your JWT token





Written by Toddypet

Hello, I am Heidi. I started this medium blog to post all of the note I have when I am learning new things. Hope you find it useful as well:)

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